D.C Title: Cross lingual information extraction and automated text summarization
D.C Creator: Carnegie Mellon, School of computer science
D.C Subject: Information Extraction, Text Summarization, extracting
D.C Description: Information Extraction (IE) and Text Summarization are two methods of extracting relevant portions of the input text. IE produces templates, whose slots are filled with the important information, while Summarization produces one of various types of summary. Over the past 15 years, IE systems have come a long way, with commercial applications being around the corner. Summarization, in contrast, is a much younger enterprise. At present, it borrows techniques from IR and IE, but still requires a considerable amount of research before its unique aspects will be clearly understood.
D.C Publisher: Eduard Hovy
D.C Contributor: Ralph Grishman et alii
D.C Date: 1999/04
D.C Type: report
D.C Format: html
D.C Identifier : http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ref/mlim/chapter3.html
D.C Source : http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ref/mlim/
D.C Language: en
D.C Relation:
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D.C Coverage
D.C Rights:Carnegie Mellon, School of computer science
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